Are you paying a high price on Domain Name ? lets us share some point below and can help you to compare
Domain Name Industry has been very aggressive especially these few years with all kind of promotion given by local and international domain reseller

First there are International TLD (top level domain) that consist of .com/net/org
while there is also Local ccTLD(country code top level domain) such as .MY / .SG / .ID
Promotional price usually given to Registration of a New Domain. But what are consideration for us to decide when and where to buy a domain name.
Before we sell domain name, we are buying domain too and we like to share a few points how can we decide if it is a good deal
Domain Registration Price
First point, of course are we looking at is around USD $8.50-$13.00 so its should be about RM35-53
.my is around RM120 is around RM80
but these days with some agreesive first year promotion going on, you can get it around RM40-60 for first year registration
How do you find out and compare Domain Price ?
Here's some simple guide
- go to Google , try google for Malaysia Cheap Domain
- There are some of the top Vendor while Big Domain definitely part of the top listing Malaysia Domain
- If you like to register a .MY Domain, you can also look for alternative vendor here MYNIC Reseller Malaysia
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Renewal Price
although you can always change registrar if you find out that your domain provider renew more expensive than most, we suggest you ask first during registration as sometimes transferring a domain name from one registrar to another can be tricky and troublesome. so you may want to save the hassle
for .COM there are usually USD $12-15 , which can be as low as RM46 - RM60 yearly renewal. But again the price should be all inclusive of DNS hosting , and Privacy Protection
a .MY / .COM.MY Domain Name Renew will be renew at RM80- RM120 price range by MYNIC reseller. You can find out MYNIC .MY Renewal Price here currently offering a Renew or Transfer Starting from RM60-70 for .COM.MY while 90-95 for a .MY . But usually it is unbeatable compare to registration at a whooping RM56++ . Compare BigDomain Malaysia Domain Price Here
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Privacy Protect (whois protection)
Privacy whois protection protect the owner's contact detail from being shown in the whois record. whois record are basically a Domain Name ownership information database similar to the phonebook. Due to the increase of Email Marketing Spam , usually the owner will receive spam email or call from foreign marketing or website agency the moment a domain name is registered. there is basically nothing much you can do except to ignore them. However, many of Internet TLD such as .COM support whois privacy protection. Most company will give this free but some will charge to compensate for agreesive promo price. Besure to check how much your registrar charged before making a purchase. Some company may charge RM35-50 per domain yearly which make overall cost expensive. Please note that country domain name such as .MY do not support Domain whois privacy protection
with whois privacy protection
without whois privacy protection
if you look at above samples, it is better to keep your data hidden if you are using your private home address and contact number to register your domain. However, if you are using your Company Name, Business Address and Contact Number to make registration, then it should not matters since the same detail should also be published on your website as well.
DNS Hosting
DNS are important if you purchase a domain without getting a "web or email" hosting . it is important if the services you wanted to use such as GSuide or Blogger pointing requires you to have your own dns server. Most .COM Domain Reseller should provide DNS hosting but you should confirm anyway. Country base reseller such as .MY usually do not provide dns hosting unless stated otherwise as part of the domain package. If your domain havent get any dns hosting, you can look at bigdomain dns free hostingOther Consideration when buying a a domain name
You should also include some other consideration such as below- Website Builder
Imagine you can have your simple contact information made by yourself using tools provided by the domain company before you hire a web designer . Sometimes designing a website could take months so you do not have a to leave a blank page . a Basic Website Builder will be similar to Weebly , Wix or Free BigDomain Website Builder
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-Basic Web Hosting
This is similar to DNS hosting however it allow you do host some basic company information website, under construction page or website forward to other domain name
-Inquiry Respond time
this is somehow important as you may rely technical assistant from domain provider from time to time, make sure they are reachable to you locally via email with a timely respond. Domain provider usually do not respond over the phone due to domain name is a high volume business and it is very time consuming to handle inquiry over the phone. Another concern will be security, to ensure the requested are the rightful owner of the domain, an email from the owner's email address is required for any domain support matters
-Professionalism in handling Domain Name Registration
there are many reseller do not register the domain using the company name and the owner's email address. make sure when you register a domain name, it belongs to your company and registrant detail should be your email address. not the reseller email to avoid any dispute in the future.
- helping you configure your services like Wix, Shopify, G Suite , Blogger etc ? We are sure there are many resources out there will guide you to connect the domain anme to these services but why dont you consider getting a helping hand directly from the domain name vendor to help you kickstart you blog/web store
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